I love shopping online so of course I took advantage of the Siber Monday deals. Check out this deal! Click the play button to hear it.
I wonder if Miss Khyra had anything to do with it. My free pantyloons are being shipped today! Happy Shopping!

"Little norwood was picked up roaming the country roads by Animal Control back in early November and took him to the kill shelter. He was such a sweet boy that they kept overlooking him on euthanasia days. we finally had room to get him and several others out of the kill shelter on 12/4/07 and take them to hillcrest clinic in memphis. Norwood had an upper respiratory infection at first and was immediately put on a broad-spectrum antibiotic and then he didn't want to eat while he was sick so the vet techs would hand-feed him just to get something in his stomach and two of the vet techs would go back to the clinic late at night to hand-feed him small amounts and to hold and rock him in a blanket. Several nights i'd be on the phone with one of them when they were back at the clinic when they should've been off work and at home. they do so much for our shelter orphans.So they nursed him back to health in just a couple of weeks and they were ecstatic when he finally got to go "home" last week :)"Here's cute and handsome me from my first weeks at home.