Hi every bloggie!
Wahoo it's me!!
Coming at ya.

Yeppers. I'm still around.
I've been out of bloggie land for a bit.
But thought I'd catch you up on what I've been doing.
Wahoo it's me!!
Coming at ya.

Yeppers. I'm still around.
I've been out of bloggie land for a bit.
But thought I'd catch you up on what I've been doing.
and more snowshoeing...

and keep the furniture clean.
Paws off and in the air.

I'm still trying to figure which way to go.

I did a snow dance!
Please more snow! Please!

I zoomies some more on the trails.
I zoomie run the streets with Tula Monstah!
Lookie at her go!

I play a game of "where's nordude?"
Can you find me?

I report dog walkies weather every morning on facebook, instagram and twitter.

oh... yeah. I gots a furdoo trim.

Sometimes I charge like mad bull.

Oh my favorite.
I learned how to hypnotize you.
Cluck like a chicken. Now get me some chicken.

I got a new nickname.
Orange Crush

But most of all, I'm still nutty.