First off, I want to thank each and everyone of you for donating to my NYC Half Marathon charity Pencils of Promise.
We truly appreciate your support.
We truly appreciate your support.
Today is the day we select the winner of the Backcountry K9 $50 Gift Card!
Are you ready?
First I entered your names on the random name selector
First I entered your names on the random name selector
For each $10 you donated, you received an entry. See.....
Ready! I'm hitting go. Drum roll please
And the winner is.....
Steeeeeeeve and Tanner!
Congrats dudes! I will email Jason at Backcountry K9 and he'll send you the gift card code.
Thanks again every bloggie! We could not have met our fundraising goal without you.
Also, a big shout out to Jason at Backcountry K9!
Thank you so much for the donated gift card! Not only do you have great products and excellent customer service but a lot of heart for the dog and charitable community.
Everyone should check out Backcountry K9 website... it totally rocks with cool dog gear and good deals.
Now off to have funballs!

Love Nordude