hi every bloggie!
You know my last post I was seeking support for more day camp dayz. Huh I might reconsider. The most embarassing photo shoot was just published. Sping Fling in Doggie Day Care: " April Showers Bring May Flowers!

You know my last post I was seeking support for more day camp dayz. Huh I might reconsider. The most embarassing photo shoot was just published. Sping Fling in Doggie Day Care: " April Showers Bring May Flowers!

As embarrassing as the get up may be, I think it will make awesome camoflage for frogging forays. You might want to check your vanity at the door and weigh your priorities!
ReplyDeletesome of those pups looked none to happy!
ReplyDeleteWoof! Woof! How CUTE??? not embarrassing at all. It will be a FUN FUN FUN time to join in. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
ReplyDeleteEmbarrassing alert !!!
ReplyDeleteWizz ;-)
Haha...Norwood, we think you are the cutest of them all!
ReplyDeleteI can see some cute may flowers there =)
ReplyDeleteHappy Wednesday Norwood!
Thor xx
They do this to you at day camp and you allow it Norwood!? Such a good sport you are!!
ReplyDeleteYou are pretty cute though....
xo martine & the kiddlets
aww norwood but you are the most gorgeous spring flower ever there was!
ReplyDeleteare those pibbles i spot?!?!
pibble sugars and wee wags
the pittie pack
they love me...
ReplyDeletethey love me not...
they love me...
He he he! You look quite happy about it really Norwood. But the pup four shots down looks decidedly unimpressed!! Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.
ReplyDeleteYour Spring Fling pics are kinda cutesy NorDude. But just wait till Mr. Bee comes by and tries to suck the pollen outta your nose. THEN you will have sumpthin' to complain about.
ReplyDeleteWoofs and springy flingin' slobbers,
Chester ;0=)
Wow, Norwood, I don't know what to say. You look like a, er, um, FOOL!
ReplyDeleteIs that what goes on at your doggie daycare in between the still photos?
ReplyDeleteMurray just thought that was the funniest thing ever!!
He loved the photos!
take care
Clive and Murray
Ha ha ha ha ha You look so .... hey, wait a minute .... we can't laugh at you ..... our Mom put antlers on us at Christmas.
ReplyDeletePoor guy ... you have our sympathy.
Slobbers Ruger & Neve
P.S. Mom says you look kinda cute ---- but wha, what do humans know.
Sheeesh Nowwood
ReplyDeleteYou do make a bootiful flowew , but I think it might be hawd to womp wif that awound youw neck.
Hope you didn't get watewed too.
smoochie kisses
Aren't you just the cutest flower ever, Norwood! hehehe
ReplyDeleteMom was at a garden center today and saw lots of froggie statues and she told us to tell you that she thought of you!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I won't say Bloomin.....
ReplyDeleteWas this part of arts & khrafts hour?
ReplyDeleteWill woo be making a popsikhle stikhk trivet at some 'point'?
Uh-what I said earlier about Mr. Bee suckin' the pollen outta your nose Nordude? I was tryin' to be nice but since you came over and picked my nose I'm gonna tell you the truth. That green ain't a pollen-it's a BOOGER! BOL!
ReplyDeleteNordude's got a hanger, Nordude's got a hanger.....
Juar! Juar! Juar!
ReplyDeleteErrr.... sorry....
Well... that says... be careful with your wishes!
Kisses and hugs
Harumph these kids DO NOT look happy..I mean really a flower head??? Listen it is going to rain this stupid weekend..Want to catch a plane to a warmer state for awhile??? Love A+A
ReplyDeleteOh Norwood...5 minutes of embarrasement vs millions of hours of fun..Doggy Day Care must be soooo worth it!
We're not quite sure what to say. Lovely? Sweet? Ummm. We're at a loss for words.
ReplyDeleteWe think we'll stick to poking our heads through the deck rails.
Jake and Fergs
Oh wow - BOLOLOL - Norwood, you make a lovely flower:-) Should we expect to see you as a lily pad in your next search for the froggies?
ReplyDeleteWoos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
That is cuter than anything I could even photoshop. What a great idea! ♥
ReplyDeleteI hope you guys got tons of treats after having to put on that crazy thing!
ReplyDeleteI'll just pretend like I didn't see this Norwood.
Oh no, she saw that and now wants to know how these are made. Please don't tell her...