Okay! Are you ready to join me for a walkie? I have a great one for today. When I went to the 2dogs2000miles event at the Boston Commons, I had to cross the street and walk thru the Boston Public Gardens. It's a must when in the city. Ready here we go.
To cross over to the gardens, I traversed my way thru the commons. I walked right thru to the infamous and my MOST favorite part of Boston, the FROG POND area. Yep. Can you believe it? No wonder I live here. I posed right in front of the Frog Pond Carousel!

So I thought and pondered a minute. Oh.. look who's next to me. Thinker Peeper. I wonder what's on his mind.

I made my way across the busy street and entered the garden. It seemed like the 4th of July, they had firecracker blooms everywhere!

I made my way across the busy street and entered the garden. It seemed like the 4th of July, they had firecracker blooms everywhere!

See... Kaboom!
And a must do in the Public Gardens is see the swan boats! Tadaaaaah!
I was super hot so I took a dip in that swan boat pond area. I don't think I'm suppose to do that..oh well. Then walked around to see it up closer. Seems this swan thing is a hoax. It's a human dressed as a swan. Go figure.
Okay, now for the walkies live in action. Tie your shoes. Get your leash. Let's go!