Saturday, August 28, 2010

that was yesterday

hi every bloggie!
Well everyday is a new day right? So- this week I was scrubbed down not once, not twice, not three times.. but I had at least FOUR baths because of that squirt.
Dirty boy
But don't worry... everyday is a new day! I'm back to being......
Dirty boy
a dirty boy. Oh yeah!

Dirty boy
From my head to my toes!
Dirty boy
Check out that under carriage. Take that skunk juice! I think it'll cover up that stench quite nicely.
the eyebrows
Oh... this dirty boy knows that the eYebrows always stay clean and have the last word. Hubba hubba! Gets me out of trouble every time!


  1. I bet you will stink every time you get wet forever. Ha! My Grandpa Angus had a close encounter with Mr. Skunk and momma and master called him Peppy from then on. Hope Skool is outside. Pee Yu!


  2. You poor fella, a skunk? I'm glad you're all muddy and wet now! Stay out of trouble.

  3. Hey... didja have to have a bath in tomato juice? we heard somewheres that takes out the stinkies...

    Glad to know that you are back to your old dirty self!

    Sam and Pippen

  4. Oh dear we seem to have missed the skunk episode... But HOO BOY can we relate.... I(Aggie) ONCE CAUGHT ONE and was kind of shaking it if you know what Imean PL 1 intervened(he grabbed my leash which fell) AND WE BOTH GOT SKUNKED peeeeeeeeuuuuuuuyyyyyyDont know howcto tell ya this but watch out when it rains.... Love A and A

  5. Oh dear we seem to have missed the skunk episode... But HOO BOY can we relate.... I(Aggie) ONCE CAUGHT ONE and was kind of shaking it if you know what Imean PL 1 intervened(he grabbed my leash which fell) AND WE BOTH GOT SKUNKED peeeeeeeeuuuuuuuyyyyyyDont know howcto tell ya this but watch out when it rains.... Love A and A

  6. I have a feeling you are going to be getting a lot more baths lately. that stink stays around a long time!

  7. Looks like you'll be getting your fifth bath in a row!! Thanks for commenting about the paw thing on my blog...seems a lot of cattle dogs have to use their paws!

  8. I'm hoping this time you just get a hose down! That's just excessive! Did your mom make that mixture with the peroxide and the Tide? I thought you only had to use that once. You must have taken a direct hit!

    Way to reclaim your stink and dirt!


  9. Hey, Pepe le Peu, a mud bath does feel good, eh?

  10. Of khourse, the Dirty Boy pikh woo sent me whilst The Doggy Nanny, Fred, and Mom were out at dinner last night was the furry best!

    It so helped keep me out of SOME trouble!


  11. Norwood,

    Even an encounter with a skunk can't keep you down. Way to go my furiend!

    WOofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  12. Norwood,

    Even an encounter with a skunk can't keep you down. Way to go my furiend!

    WOofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  13. Shall we call you Pepe Le Norwood.

    Very good call on keeping the brows in tact. Us schnauzers know all about the importance of a good brow!


  14. Covering up the smell with other smells is the best way to go!! Though my mom was egged into trying umm... a product one might use on a Summer's Eve... when I got skunk'd earlier this summer and to her dismay... it worked! Crazy right?

    Hope you're nice and dirty!


  15. you are one handsome dude. anyway

  16. i seriosly do not understand WHY you are the teacher's pet. unless mango keeps making a typo and means to write "teacher's pest" ... GEESH. talk about naughty... oh yeah.

    Juno's totally digging your look. I think she'd like you.

    Loki says you can keep your dips in the water. he won't even get his toes-sies wet!

    wags, wiggles and woos,
    wild dingo

  17. Oh-oh!
    Never seen a skunk but I know they stink!
    I wonder if mudd covers the smell!
    Kisses and hugs

  18. Looks like you're going to get a bath very soon, buddy! Stay tuned!

  19. Haha you sure do like being dirty!

  20. Nothing is more therapeutic than a mud bath!
    your pal,


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