hi every bloggie!
Ahem! It's friday that means it's time for another edition
of eYewatch friday! Today's is furry simple.
Just some outtakes from my regular walkies.
When I'm in the car as a backseat/frontseat driver,
all momma's eYes can see is this.....
Here's me walking along
Minding my own bidnezz when these tracks caught my eYes.
I caught up with some cuckcoo kittie tracks
(I think they are kittie tracks?)
eYeball them and tell me what you think?
See how they are parallel?
I'm not so sure but whoever it is... I'm game!
And the last one is for our swiss pals loki & juno & their wild dingo momma
Who said they miss seeing harry funballs!
Well every since momma stopped bring treats!
my drop it command stopped working.
She throws it once, I get it and basically I do this...
no fair trade.. no harry funball access.
All in favor say eYe!!!