Tuesday, November 08, 2011

leaf peeping

hi every bloggie

just a quick update for you leaf peepers.
here ya go!

you can stop toe tapping now!
that's all folks


  1. me me me me can't stop toe tapping... HALPPPPPPPPPPP!

  2. Nice music and great pics!!

  3. There oughta be a warning!
    "Slobber Alert!"
    RH will be drooling all over the place over TM's muscle butt!

    Oh! the leaves were pretty, too!

    Happy, Waggin' Tails, FUREVER!
    Stumpy and me

  4. Wot nice peep show you had there! Our leaves is falling fast now. Mom goes out on her lunch hour to rake leaves coz if'n they fall on poo then she can't see it to pick it up and we step in it. Ewwwww. So mom be trying to keep up and she be losing the battle!

  5. Wonderful pictures and the music is so good with them!

  6. Great leaf peeping show. Mom saysshe can tap her toes just fine, just don't ask her to clap her hands- mega ouchie!!!

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  7. Those are beautiful leaf peeps!


  8. Howdy Norwood, Fall or Autumn as we call it here in Oz sure is the most beautiful season. Thanks for sharing. See ya buddy. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  9. I see your leaf romping buddy was there too !!!

  10. Toe tapping going on here, so many colours those leaves are and the reflections are so good.
    Licks Bobby


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