Monday, December 19, 2011

sealed with kissies!

hi every bloggie!

Oh boy... Christmas comes so quick!
I had just enough time to get my letter into Santa!

Dear santa

Yeppers. Froggehs on my wish list.
It was a horrible year.. I only caught 3 frogs.
I can only wish for more froggehs this year.
Please please please Santa!

FX PhotoStudio Image

So I headed downtown.
Yeppers a special mailbox for the jolly chappers. 

Okay! Here goes!

Wish me luck!
I'm quite certain I'm on the nice list.

Sealed and sent!

Okay now the wait.
Christmas eve come quick!


  1. So smart to include a cookie for Santa! I am sure he'll bring you more frogs, and you are definitely on the nice list!!

  2. No doubt they will be waiting for you in batches under the tree. Total funballs in the morning as you chase them around your estate. Make sure the camera is rolling.


  3. We bet Santa puts your request at the top of his list, Norwood! You don't have long to wait now!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  4. Hey Norwood!
    Wow, what a perfect card for Santa Paws! The cookie will seal the deal, I'm sure. I wonder if your stocking will be hopping around the room? Your peeps will have to watch where they step. BOL
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  5. Norweed... you big ol SNIFF UP you..

    You SENT a cookie to Santa Paws... Now the rest of us will look like BAD DAWGS just leavin him our plate of Cookie (crumbs) on the BIG NIGHT.

    Well, that's OK.. I still love you buddy. AND I hope you get a LOT more FROGS in 2012!!

  6. I tried to check GIMME A BREAK a couple times but bloggah won't let me.


  7. Good luck with the letter Norwood. Hopefully Santa will be hopping down your chimney soon :-)

  8. I wonder if Santa will khonsult with Khousin Tulie?


  9. Only three frogs??? What happened? We are sure Santa will be very good to you.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  10. Gosh, Norwood, I hope Santa has magic coz I think the froggehs do be sleeping fur the winter. I wonner how he keeps them from sleeping at the cold North Pole. I is furry interested to see wot happens.

  11. Wish I woulda thought to bribe, I mean give Santa a biscuit, every little bit helps in my case. I shoulda asked for hoggehs too 'cuz it was a bad summer for my huntin' too. The froggehs and hoggehs musta gave Santa loads of treats last year to keep us two from breathin' down their backs.

    Merry Christmas Nordude and to your Mom too!
    Chester ;0=)

  12. He better leave you something awesome!

    Stop on by for a visit

  13. I sure hope you get lots of Frogs my friend. :)


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