Sunday, January 04, 2009

Mr. Stinko transforms into Mr. Smelly Good

Yesterday the vet and today a bath!!  What is going on?  Everything happens in threes... I can't imagine what is next.  No need for a towel.. see how I dry off.  


  1. That is how we do it.. We like to play zoomies through the house too..
    Hey cool sign, ours says "Caution, Area Patrolled by Blue Heeler security company" Dad found it for mom at a gun show..

    Mom had to go back a lot of posts to find it. Hope you enjoy it...

    Big Sloppy Kisses
    Gus, Louie and Callie...

  2. Norwood
    Excellent dwying technique!
    I think the thiwd thing has to be tweats
    smoochie kisses

  3. BOL!

    I agree with Asta! You are a beautiful pup! Thank you for visiting. May I add your really cool site to my fav fur blog list?

    My mom just LOVES your blog layout. Did you design it?


  4. Mom had a great time looking for that sign. She found pictures of Louie when he was a pup. He was so cute. Then he grew up. hehe

    Big Sloppy Kisses
    Gus, Louie and Callie

  5. Hee Hee Must be a Massachewsitts thing! That is how we dry off too!! Love A+A


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