Tuesday, January 17, 2012

winter basics 101

hi every bloggie!
Can woo believe it?
It finally finally snowed here. 

good winter morning

It wasn't much and the first batch was more slushy. 
But I will take it. 

 Now don't tell FAD but I have secret footage of her foto shoot with Tula.

Oh momma said that's really to show how ridiculous i am.
Mmphft. Human trickery. 

Okay every bloggie. 
It's been so long since we had snow, here's a back to basics
snow funballs lesson for you. 

As you can see, I try to master the Cheoah slide but of course I put 
a nutty spin on it.  Okay.. back to funballs. Gotta go.


  1. I'm sure Cheezwhiz will be furry flattered!



    PeeEssWoo: 40 degrees here - with wet wet wet ;-(

  2. NORWOOOOOOOOOODDDDDD guess what??? It is 50 degrees at my house today... so I do NOT have ANY snow... I like it that way...
    I can just watch YOU have the cold wet Funballs... and I'll stay warm and dry. THANKS BUDDY

  3. Let's call it the Nor-roach:) Lucky dawg getting some snow, it's still a lot more than we have:(

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  4. Norwood wow that was a great movie. I did a movie review on my blog but it is nothing compared to yours. You are one heck of a performer!! Don't you get cold??

    licks and sniffs Sasha

  5. Oh my gawd. That snow video was just fab. We were thinking when you walked the snow would be kinda soft and quiet and then we heard it was all crunchy and stuffs even when you ate some. (Hope it wasn't yellow snow). That was heaps cool. Thanks Norwood. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  6. OMD - what a fun video, Norwood!

  7. We got the very same kind of snow that you did, Norwood! You must have been soaked after your snowslide!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  8. Woz you nomming a SNOW cone? Woz it chickun flavored? Drool. Hey, mom ordered me one of those cloud chaser jackets today coz when I told her it blocked your pee shooter she sayed "OMG, that is JUST what I have been looking for!" So it be either the cloud chaser jacket or mud flaps for me to keep icy sickulls off my belleh. We be all matchy soonly. Eggsept fur we could not find one on sale so it be full price - boo. That cuts into my chickun supply.

  9. No frozen funballs here yet either - just windballs. Oh, it gave it a good try but it was unsuccessful. Were you tryin' to break dance? Might wanna find some ski wax - that'll get you spinnin' like a merry-go-round.

    Woofs and spinnin' slobbers,
    Chester ;0=)

  10. you are super nutty

    Stop on by for a visit

  11. You're crazy! Here in Arizona we don't celebrate snow. It was 70 degrees today and lovely! :) Stay warm!
    Kasha and Africa

  12. Nordude... that wasn't yellow snow you were munching on, was it???

    Sam and Pippen


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