Thursday, January 08, 2009

tag tag a wonderful game!

King of the Hill,
Top of the Heap,
Norwood went running,
far away from me.

I whistled,
I yelled,
I ran away too.

He ran fast towards me,
my mind made a gasp,
I thought that he finally,
listened at last

But he ran right past me,
and I swear with a laugh,
He ran by me again,
and I had to think fast.

I reached in my bag
and pulled out some treats,
My hand was full,
of good things to eat.
I reached out to offer it,
as he ran full steam at me.

It worked It worked! and I sighed with relief!
Tag Tag a wonderful game!


  1. Norwood
    That is a pawfect and snow and the sun..must have been the best and then the tweats..I love that poem too!
    I'm so glad it finally wowkjed...I haven't leawned how to listen vewy well yet..maybe nevew Mommi thinks.
    smoochie kisses

  2. Hey heeler's know when the getting is good. Louie comes on the run when Mom or Dad wave their arm in the air. Of course only for treats..
    Beautiful picture. Come on over it is really nice out today we can go to the lake...

    Big Sloppy Kisses
    Gus, Louie and Callie

  3. It ALWAYS works. Trust me...the humans win in the end.


  4. Sticks must be a heeler thing.. Callie does the same thing on our walks, she has to pick up everyone she sees.. Better than store bought toys!!!

    Big Sloppy Kisses
    Gus, Louie and Callie


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