hi every bloggie!
Do you remember I was missing in action for awhile. Well don't worry... the Lacey beast did not bury me under the snow. Mom went to Arizona for work and since the weather has been less than nice upon her return, I thought I'd let her post some warm weather fotos.
I mean even though she was in Arizona, it was only 50 but finally got to 70 the last day in Scottsdale. Unfortunately she complained about doing alot of this.... sitting inside in 65 degree air conditioning. Geez! Always complaining.
While the outside looked like this.. okay okay she can complain.
I spent the entire week at day camp which I guess was day and night camp. I emailed her fotos of me so she knows I'm having fun. See? Momma's lil angel- hee hee
Okay here comes her novice photography. I'm not the focal point so please don't worry.. I don't mind. Since cactus are not typically found as a new england native species, she was fascinated by the huge cactus garden at the resort.
These prickley peters are cute to her.

And as you can see they are quite huge.

Mom did have some human fun for a change with co-workers... a little wild wolf slot action, drinks with old men at a dive bar and a free happy hour after the conference.

Then she hit Old Town Scottsdale. Here's a few fotos from the local stores! She loves the colors

and unique collectibles. Huh I thought Tula's cookie face would have made it up here.

ole ole ole ole! cha!

Look Lorenza and Frankie... a dachshund collection.

Always fashionable and handle with care... you break you buy. Is that true?
Check out this lovely lady who greeted mom at one of the stores. She reminded mom of Asta with her fashionable pearls.
I don't know why but she thought this guy was kinda cute. Maybe because he's offering 1/2 off margaritas- I bet.
And this always blows her mind.. guns? The only loaded gun she sees is my wicked pissah!

Finally.... stuff for me and brucethecat. Lizards and frogs and turtles everywhere! Everywhere! She even bought that top frog for me! He bobbles his head on my fridge now!
On Valentine's day, mom returned and got me from day/night camp. We immediately went to the park. Wahoo! I was very happy to be free! Look I'm imitating the prickley peters- pointing mine in the sky! Okay I hope next time she'll have to take me along!