Monday, May 25, 2009

flippin good fun on the holiday

Hi Every Bloggie!

Here is the park I usually go to for my walks.  Look at all the Memorial Day fun. Baseball and cookouts. Well, hmm, let's just say I had a better idea.  I headed back to the fields to my favorite pond. 
Its full of lily pads now and even better my new friend mr. frog.  
For days I search for him.  I could hear him but tried my hardest to find him.

My frog catching technique?  I go along the side and stomp the water with my paws.
Sometimes I get carried away and think my splash was mr. frog hopping out.  I know.. a bit much. 
Then I dig into the mud side hoping to flush him out.  (Mom really loves this one)
I stick my head into his nesting area.  And then it happened.  3 days later!  It's MR. FROG!
I can't believe it.  Hi mr. frog! Do u have a name?  Nice to meet you. 

Then POW!  Back to the search again!
Now isn't that more fun than a stupid baseball game?  
What should I name mr. frog?
b- Jumpin Jack
c- Hop Along Hank
d- blogger's choice ________
Hope you had as much fun as me????!!


  1. Norwood...a frog! Wow it was green! I've never seen a they taste good? Do they smell funny? Did you catch him again? I'm so jealous that you got to see a frog! All i see are bunnies!!



  2. Hi Norwood
    Scooby asked me to stop by and answer your question. You can send any sort of photo you like. You can be dressed or naked. And it can be already cut or uncut.
    Big licks to you

  3. b- Jumpin Jack sound a good name Norwood.

    What a great weekend much better than Baseball (whats that!) and cookouts, mind you food sounds good as well ;-)

    Wizz :-)

  4. Good job hunting that greenie down Norwood. He's a whopper too! I think you should name him "Big Louie". Thanks for another load of great fun!
    Love ya,

  5. Um how about Noah. That's a pretty good name.

    Noah x

  6. O.K.'s the stomp the water & chase that froggie to the land where I'll be waiting! We won't let him get away next time! But what do we do with him once we get him? I don't know if I like green meat & it doesn't look like he has a tail:0

  7. Oh I forgot to tell you my choice of name...I think you should call him "slime ball"'s got a nice ring to it, don't you think?

  8. Mr. Frog is so funny!
    Those cookouts sound delicious!
    Rufus and Indie

  9. Wow!! You looks likes having so much fun with mr.frog! As for name I have a sudden thinking that Jack the green frog might be a nice name? but I guess it's too hooman.. -.-"

  10. woowowoowoowooooo dear Norwood!!!!!
    What a great day you had!!!!!!!!!
    And we loved you new friend Mr. frog!!!!
    We adore The name N. 1....FLIP!!!!!!It sounds soooooooooooo frisky for mr. frog!!!!!
    we're back and we're very very happy because we could read about you and your adventures again!!!!!!!!
    wish were with you and playing with your new friend togheter!!!!!
    We love you!!!!!!!!
    pees......mommy has ordered our bandana!!!!!!!!
    can't wait to wear them so we could be a part of your Bandana's club!!!!!!!!!!!
    sweet kisses and licks!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. We like the name Jumpin Jack. Wish we could have been therewith you at the pond. Looks like a LOT of fun! We love water.
    Ernie & Sasha

  12. w00fs, heehee me kinda likes the name JJ...what u thinks??

    b safe,

  13. Oh what fun Norwood. To bad you didn't catch that frog. We had to stay on the leash too. The Reds decided to checkout a family and they didn't listen, hehe and comeback when mom yelled at them.. It spoiled are fun when we saw a silly squirrel. Mom had a really good grip on all of us. She is pretty strong for an old woman...

    Big Sloppy Kisses
    Gus, Louie and Callie

  14. We think it's pretty cool that you flushed out Mr. Frog, Norwood! We love the name Flip!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  15. We love your frog Norwood, we could only think of one name...Kermit. (our human used to like watching Kermit the Frog..hehe)

    Holly & Zac...XX


Hi It's Me! Frog on and make your comment.