Wednesday, May 06, 2009

what? more stick hustlin'??? enough already

I know, I know... more stick hustling. Sorry to bore you.

It's just what I do. Look- even the ducks behind me are impressed.

Pretty good huh?

Okay.. drop it.... I 'm ready. Throw it back in please!

PS- Mom's away again for a couple days-what is this? She went to Utica NY.
This job is getting in the way of my daily care!
But check me out at day camp web cam on the right sidebar- I'll throw a wink @ you:)


  1. Nice job Norwood :D
    I believe Abby needs some help moving sticks in NY. Maybe you could help her out?
    Big licks to you

  2. Hello there *wags tail*

    Drop by to say thanks for the good vibes u sent for my lil brother last time =]

    I linked ya to my blog, so please feel free to drop my >D

    Hugs n kisses,

  3. That's one big stick you've got there, Norwood!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  4. Norwood, you could get a job in the lumbering business! Forget about all that fancy equipment, you could move the logs with your TEETH!!
    p.s. we'll never get tired of photos of you chasing & fetching sticks:)

  5. Good morning Norwood! Care to share that stick with me??

    Kisses from Gundo

  6. Hey Norwood...why don't you catch me a BIG FISH while you're out there???

  7. Norwood, everyone knows that when you have a calling for stick hustling you must be firm in your beliefs and have your priorities in order. It's not a job to take lightly. Action is required at any given moment. We admire your dedication and the pictures are proof positive that you take your mission seriously.

    The world would be a much better place if people understood the importance of responsibility, commitment and duty. Until that happens, we have you to look to as a shining example of all those things.

    Stumpy has a wild case of the hots for you so she made me type all that stuff. I know it's all about fun. Still, I thought we would try sucking up a little and maybe you would throw her some crumbs...

  8. You are a great stick getter Norwood.. You can come and check out our sticks anytime... We will keep them away from those Reds...
    Tell mom so get home soon.

    Big Sloppy Kisses
    Gus, Louie and Callie


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