hi every bloggie!
Umm.. tic toc tic toc... I'm up. It's 12:50am EST but not midnight on the west coast so I still have time to get my entry in for the "
I wanna be like Mango" contest... phew. Mom says this is so ridiculous but I gotta enter.

Dude is in my grad skool so I have an advantage over my other dog bloggie pals to win this thing. I've been able to study the moose up close. Okay supposedly the RH is a sharp dresser. Look how he showed up to my barkday pawtee at skool. Uggh.
Ummm... nah. I don't wanna look like that. Plus momma won't let me slobbers so I can't even try that. Then supposedly he's quite agile. I saw it up close in class.
Okay.. I'll be a good sport. I'll copy mango. In fact that was the lesson in class, follow the leader. The leader was big goof mango so I HAD to do it.
Okay whoopdeedoo. So far Peewee's Labradork contest is way cooler. Then I continued my studies... in live action. Watch this moose weave pole.
Okay... he did pretty good but still, agility tips from Mango? Think think think... why would I wanna be like Mango? Okay maybe there's a couple things I'd wanna be like Mango about... it's very hard to ignore them. Quite impressive package and always on show. Ready...
The Mangoness makes the ladees love him and guys wanna be him... true dat!
Mango Oh Yeah Mango! okay night night for me now!