hi every bloggie!
Yeah it's here! It's officially Fright Week! Welcome to a paranorwood experience! Each day you will enter the paranorwood zone for frightballs, funballs and the grande finale parade.
Before you go, remember to send in a foto of you in a costume- (photochopped or real)for the grande friday finale halloweenie costume parade! For each picture received, I pawsonally will donate one green paper towards a gas card for miss khyra and her rescue transport service. Send your photo to norwoodunleashedATgmail.com.

You have until Wednesday! hop to it and get it in!
Okay are you ready to get scared-balls? Today is Monstah Mash Monday!
Ready? Let's go! It's on my secret spooky site.
Click here to
(FYI- links for each day will go live on that day! Don't worry if you click on another day and don't get it) Have a spook!