When it's hot, Hopkinton Park is like a zoo or a dog party. I met Ralph the Weinemier. He loved swimming and chasing sticks. Me too Me too! But I admit. Confession- I'm a bit competitive. Friendship shmendship.. Ralph had a stick. Look at me go. I was swimming like a fish after Ralph. Ralph didn't know what was coming.

I wanted that stick. Gus the happy heeler knows what I mean. I think I formed a fin.. shark fin. I was determined to get Ralph and the stick. Can you tell which head is mine?

Close so close. I'm getting there. How'd he slip ahead of me again!

Ahhhh Victory at last! Gotta reach your dreams and goals!
Close so close. I'm getting there. How'd he slip ahead of me again!
Ahhhh Victory at last! Gotta reach your dreams and goals!
Oh Yeah Norwood!