Wednesday, June 30, 2010

walkie wednesday

hi every bloggie!

Okay! Are you ready to join me for a walkie? I have a great one for today. When I went to the 2dogs2000miles event at the Boston Commons, I had to cross the street and walk thru the Boston Public Gardens. It's a must when in the city. Ready here we go.

To cross over to the gardens, I traversed my way thru the commons. I walked right thru to the infamous and my MOST favorite part of Boston, the FROG POND area. Yep. Can you believe it? No wonder I live here. I posed right in front of the Frog Pond Carousel!
Photo 11 - 2010-06-28
Just my luck, it was too early and not running yet. Lookie a seat just for moi!
Photo 10 - 2010-06-28
Then I took a peek at the play area for the lil pup frogs. I wasn't allowed in there.. geesh!
tadpole playtown
So I thought and pondered a minute. Oh.. look who's next to me. Thinker Peeper. I wonder what's on his mind.
Photo 9 - 2010-06-28
I made my way across the busy street and entered the garden. It seemed like the 4th of July, they had firecracker blooms everywhere!
firecracker blooms
See... Kaboom!
Photo 4 - 2010-06-28
And a must do in the Public Gardens is see the swan boats! Tadaaaaah!
Photo 20 - 2010-06-28
I was super hot so I took a dip in that swan boat pond area. I don't think I'm suppose to do that..oh well. Then walked around to see it up closer. Seems this swan thing is a hoax. It's a human dressed as a swan. Go figure.
Photo 1 - 2010-06-28
Okay, now for the walkies live in action. Tie your shoes. Get your leash. Let's go!
I hope you had a great walkie with me. Toodleloo! Happy Walkie Wednesday!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

2dogs2000miles event

hi every bloggie!
Last weekend I went to a very special event.

I attended the grande finale for the 2dogs2000miles trek across the country. Luke, Hudson and Murphy walked... yeppers walked from Austin Texas to Boston Massachusetts. It took 2 years but for a cause.. raising funds for cancer research. Please visit their 2dogs2000miles blog to learn more . Here they are.. live in person. Right smack in the middle! Pawsome!

And of course, we took a minute to remember all the canine pals who lost their struggle with cancer. In fact, I took a minute to remember Libby and Jazze who were Tula's predecessors.

I had to get close to these two amazing pups. I bet they're super duper tired.

I was suppose to walk the final mile but we got all lost in the back bay trying to find the meet up spot and decided to just watch them walk into the Boston Commons. Anyways, you can watch the final steps too. Ahem..never mind my blog assistant, she was a bit weepy watching them. What an amazing thing to do.

I took so many photos. It was a great event.
Picnik collage
Oh and the Boston Snow Dogs were here which meant one thing. Hussie alert.. oops I mean Husky alert. I had my eye on this one..

She, of course, being a proper hussie- oops husky assertively stuck her snooter right up close to me.

I am not a shy guy and had to reciprocate. Remember that Miss Khyra kept sending me private part photos. Now I got to see these hussie parts up close. Huh? I know this is a serious event but a boy's gotta have fun too.

Then while we were watching the group photo shoot, I turned around and this guy wanted a photo of ME!

Okay okay.. I'll give you a super close shot.

Wait wait.. I'm coming in.

That's when I was interupted by someone who was worried I'd get stuck. Silly willy. I know what I'm doing. Oh well. You can still help by purchasing these super cool t-shirts and other stuff. Mom got a t-shirt. From what I understand, Luke's next venture is 2 million dogs to walk 2 miles. Stay tuned for more to see how you can participate.

shadow shot sunday #110 he's following me

hi every bloggie!
Once again it's time for shadow shot sunday!
This week's featured foto is called "he's following me"

Come join the fun each Sunday on Hey Harriet's bloggie

Sunday, June 20, 2010

shadow shots sunday- #109 lurkers

Free Smiley Courtesy of hi every bloggie!
Once again it's time for shadow shot sunday!

This week's featured foto is titled " lurkers"

During my walk at Hobbs Brook trails, my shadow seemed to be hunting for mr peeper too. You too can join the shadow shot fun at Hey Harriots blog!

Friday, June 18, 2010

eYewatch friday- sunrise edition

hi every bloggie
Free Smiley Courtesy of Sometimes being up super early has it's advantages.. not many ... but today's eYewatch is on the morning skye!
Ahhh.. I feel inner peace! And everywhere I looked...
it reflected. Windows could barely contain it.
Yep a new day is arising..
Brings out a renewed sense of self....
I liked this one so much I had to post it twice... enjoy!
Happy eYewatch Friday!

PS- Enjoy the 5 minutes of my calmness because it doesn't last long. I'll be back to my crazy self in... 5..4..3...2..1....

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

walkin wednesday

hi every bloggie!

Okay last week I posted my adventure along the Hobbs Brook Trail. Here is the live footage as I make a death defying walk along the bridge over frog filled waters. I'm warning you, don't look down. Whatever you do, don't look down!

Whew... I hope you all made it too!

On another note, my pal frank furter is hosting a great new game? Are you named after your great aunt who lives in Kansas? Are you named after fruit? Are you named after a movie? What's up with your name? Post your story on July 4th. Read more here on frankie's bloggie and spread the word! Feel free to use the pic below to post!

Monday, June 14, 2010

listen up!

hi every bloggie!

Listen up! Today I will not type to express myself. Today my ears are taking over the post. Take a lookie my ears have a lot to say.....
Got it? I think you know what I mean....

Sunday, June 13, 2010

shadow shots sunday

hi every bloggie!

My good pals Baby Rocket and Hootie told me about this cool photo meme called Shadow Shot Sunday. They said they had so much fun with it I thought I'd try it too.

Here goes..... in Massachusetts the sun is always trying to peak out. I'm usually up and out before it rises but the weather here is quite fickle. The clouds seem to win out all the time and cast a shadow over my cute self.
cloud shadows
Then during my morning adventures, I head over to the trail along the assabet river.
shadow walk begins
Come on, keep up please. It's a bit shadowy so you have to take your sunglasses off.

shadow walk- two
And every once in awhile, I feel like I'm being followed.

shadow walk three
Holy crap, what is that wild animal? I better move faster. Shake him loose.
shadow walk 4
Oh that's more like it, it's me. I can see the remains of frog legs hanging from my lips. Ha - just kidding. How's that for my first Shadow Shot Sunday!

Friday, June 11, 2010

eYewatch friday- hobbs brook adventure

hi every bloggie!
it's friday! it's eYewatch friday! wahoo! I'm super excited to tell you about a new trail I hiked over Memorial Day weekend. It's right behind the Wayside Inn in Sudbury called Hobbs Brook Conservation Land.

I had my eYe on the sky.It started out as the most beautiful day! We were only 5 minutes into the walk until eYe spyed the pond.
Oh yes I casted myself in front of it for a mid day norwood shadow shot.
pond shadow
What's really neat is the name of the trail I was on was called the LIZARD trail. I thought of my good pal Brucethecat who is the ultimate lizard connoisseur for the entire trail. Well.. maybe not the entire time b/c I got distracted by a snake along it. I grabbed it to play a game of bitey face until I heard non-stop screaming. Geesch! Sorry no pictures of it.
So off I went-sing with me now... along the board walk.. up over the pond.. along the board walk..
We went along the boardwalk and headed to the brook where eYe kept my mince pies peeled for peepers.
It was all to myself. I swam around like a predator waiting to eYe my prey.
When all of a sudden out of nowhere these humans appeared! They seemed to be impressed with my swimming technique!
But they brought along with them a goon squad member- a labradork.
He wanted nothing to do with me. He just wanted the stick - pant pant pant- the stick throw the stick. He wasn't interested in playing with me so I moved on....
Choo Choo.. part of the trail required you to traverse across a railroad track that served as a bridge over the brook. First me, then mom followed.
It was a bit scary at first because you can see thru to the water while you walk over. But it lead me back to the boardwalk... we'll be having some fun.. under the boardwalk...... keep singing.
Look under the boardwalk... eYe watched closely and finally! mr peeper was getting a spa treatment in the mud.
peeper spa treatment
The ultimate eYewatch- two small peepers peeping up at me!
Needless to say that meant only one thing!

Happy eYewatch Friday! PS- Wednesday's foto was from this adventure- if you can't tell I had a fabby time.